to be fully listening. - To be all ears, wish someone good-luck. - Break a leg, to be nervous just before a big event. - To get cold feet:, to be very expensive. - Cost an arm and a leg:, cry very hard. - Cry your heart out, meet, stand up to unpleasant consequences - Face the music, tell someone your problems - Get something off one's chest, to help (someone) do something. - Give a hand, lend a hand:, to be unaware or unrealistic about something. - Have one's head in the clouds, to be deeply in love. - To be head over heels, take care of, watch in order to protect. - To keep an eye on sth/sb, try to be cheerful, optimistic in difficult situations. - Keep one's chin up:, memorize. - Learn/know by heart, promise to keep a secret - (my) Lips are sealed, not unless I'm dead and can't stop you - Over my dead body, joke or tease someone. - Pull one's leg, agree with somebody about something - See eye to eye:, to love of sugar or sweet things - To have a sweet tooth, relax, have fun - Let one's hair down, do something without a plan or preparation - Play something by ear,

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