1) An operating system which several people can use at the same time is? a) Multi user b) Single user c) Parallel d) Virtualised 2) An operating system designed for several processors is? a) Multi metric b) Multi processor c) Multi matrix d) Multi pliers 3) A hacker tool set is supplied with which version of Linux? a) Ubuntu b) Mint c) Kali d) Fedora 4) Which of the following operating system is open source? a) Windows 10 b) Mac OSX c) MS DOS d) SuSe 5) Command line interfaces are preferred for which type of application? a) Servers b) Workstations c) Virtualised desktops d) Mobile computing 6) BSD is an example of which operating system a) Windows b) Unix c) DOS d) Android 7) What type of operating system would be used for a computer system in a aircraft? a) Off the shelf b) Open source c) Bespoke d) Virtualised 8) Which f the following is not a function of an operating system? a) Process management b) Memory management c) Security d) Web hosting 9) What is an API used for? a) Connecting to a device driver b) Managing processor tasks c) Writing files to disk d) Applying system security 10) Common off the self software includes? a) Source code files b) Support for portable media c) Code compiled for your machine only d) Antivirus software

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