1) Located in Asia, the Himalayan mountains are the _______________ (high) mountains in the world. a) highest b) higher  c) most high 2) The ______________ (long) mountain range is The Andes, located in South America. a) most long b) longest c) more long 3) The Pacific Ocean is the _____________ (large) ocean in the world. a) largest b) most large c) larger 4) The ______________ (low) point on Earth is located at the Dead Sea which borders Israel, Jordan, and the West Bank. a) lower b) most low c) lowest 5) China is the _________________ (populated) country in the world. a) populatedest b) most populated c) more populated 6) In the Louvre Museum, Paris, France, is exhibited the ___________________ (famous) painting, the Mona Lisa. a) most famous b) more famous c) famousest 7) Produced in only one farm in Serbia, pule donkey cheese is the _________________ (expensive) cheese in the world. a) expensivest b) more expensive c) most expensive

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