To see eye to eye: - To agree with someone, Go with the flow: - To follow what other people are doing and agree with everyone., A shoulder to cry on: - Someone who listens to your problems., To clear the air: - When two people talk about something that they have avoided discussing., Through thick and thin: - People who have been through good times and bad times together., Below the belt: - An action or remark that is cruel or unfair., Two faced: - To say one thing, the do something different., To be at odds with someone: - To not get on with someone or disagree with them, To keep to yourself: - Someone who is timid or shy and doesn´t have many friends., To give someone the cold shoulder - To refuse to talk to someone because you are angry., Blood is thicker than water: - This idiom means that family is more important than friends., To be happy-go-lucky - Someone who is always happy and never worries,

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