1) ASSERTIVE a) aggresively self assured b) self confident about the answers c) openly distrustful 2) APPREHENSIVE a) covering something completely b) learning very fast c) upset over possible misfortune 3) LEERY a) lacking social polish b) wary, openly distrustful c) self confident 4) DISDAINFUL a) showing arrogant superiority b) showing a lack of interest c) showing a lack of social polish 5) GAUCHE a) eager to help b) lacking socal polish c) lacking interest 6) MEEK a) too submissive b) too self-assured c) too shy 7) FLAMBOYANT a) excessively marked by ostentation b) excessively self confident c) excessively worried 8) CONSCIENTIOUS a) very conscious about a problem b) very worried about something c) meticulous

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