1) She __________ practise the piano. a) has to b) have to 2) He __________ make his bed. a) have to b) has to 3) I ________ take out the rubbish a) has to b) have to 4) We __________ study for a test. a) have to b) has to 5) They __________ clean their room. a) have to b) has to 6) Sophia __________ feed the fish. a) have to b) has to 7) You _________ walk the dog. a) have to b) has to 8) Mark ________ study for a test. a) have to b) has to 9) My sister _________ vaccum the carpet yesterday a) don't have to b) had to 10) your parents _______ go to work last week a) have b) had to 11) your sister _______ tidy up last Sunday- a) had to b) does have 12) My sister and I ______________ sweep the floor yesterday a) had to b) have to

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