1) Jaguars are the animals ... are aftaid of dogs. a) which/that b) who/that 2) Charles Osborne was the man ... had the hiccups for 69 years. a) who/that b) which/that 3) Ants are animals ... never sleep. a) which/that b) who/that 4) Singapore is the city ... there is only one train station. a) who/that b) where 5) The man ... did the voice of Bugs Bunny was allergic to carrots. a) which/that b) who/that 6) India is the country ... about 50 million monkeys live. a) where b) who/that 7) Elephants are the only animals ... can't jump. a) which/that b) who/that 8) There are many families in my neighbourhood ... have pets. a) which/that b) where 9) Julie is my friend ... has four cats. a) which/that b) who/that 10) Dover is a beautiful town ... you can see White Cliffs. a) where b) who/that 11) Tina likes sports ... she can do in the water. a) which/that b) who/that

relative clauses 7 revision

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