1) Would you like ... chocolate cake? a) some b) any c) many d) a few 2) There isn't ... milk at home. a) any b) many c) a few d) a lot 3) I have got ... homemade cookies. a) a lot of b) many c) much d) any 4) He hasn't got ... money. a) much b) a lot c) many d) a few 5) Oh my God! You eat ... food! a) a lot of b) a lot c) much d) any 6) There was ... food in the fridge. It was almost empty. a) some b) little c) a little d) few 7) You cook international food so well! Have you visited... foreign countries? a) much b) a lot of c) many d) few 8) To prepare this pasta you need .... butter and cheese. a) any b) lots of c) much d) some 9) This recipe is difficult, but don't worry, we have .... of time to do it! a) any b) many c) lots of d) little 10) I don't usually drink.... wine. I sometimes drink beer. a) many b) a little c) much d) a lot of e) any 11) I am not a vegetarian, but I only eat... meat. a) a little b) a few c) much d) any 12) I need ... of sugar for this cake. a) any b) a little c) a few d) many

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