1) You________ use  face mask when you go to the supermarket. a) Should b) Should not 2) You________ avoid contact with sick people. a) Should b) Should not 3) You ___________ smoke. a) Should b) Should not 4) You ___________ eat fruits to be healthy . a) Should  b) Should not 5) You ___________ brush your teeth for two minutes. a) Should  b) Should not 6) You ___________ eat sweets to have healthy teeth.   a) Should  b) Should not 7) You ___________ drink coke to be fit.  a) Should  b) Should not 8) You ___________ drink two litters of water every day. a) Should  b) Should not 9) You__________ watch  too much T.V. a) Should b) Should not 10) You ___________ go to bed late. a) Should b) Should not 11) You__________ wash your hands with soap and water. a) Should b) Should not 12) You________ go to a party in Pandemic. a) Should b) Should not 13) You _________ stay home. a) Should b) Should not 14) You ________ keep physical distance with other people. a) Should b) Should not


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