He starts work at 10 a.m. - What time does he start work?, Yes, Susan and her son have breakfast together - Do Susan and her son have breakfast together?, Yes, I go to work by bus - Do you go to work by bus?, I get home at 8 p.m. - What time do you get home?, I take online classes to learn English - Why do you take online classes?, He works in CABA - Where does he work?, Yes, she is married - Is she married?, Yes, they are. The books are on the table - Are the books on the table?, The books are on the shelf over there - Where are the books?, At the weekend I watch Netflix and relax - What do you do at the weekend?, Yes, it is. My job is really hard - Is your job hard?, Yes, I do. I have a dog and a cat - Do you have a pet/ dog/ cat?,

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