(long) the Nile/ the Amazon, (hot) Sweden/ France/ Nigeria, (fast) cars/ planes, (beautiful) waterfalls / coastlines/ mountain rangers, (cheap) camping/ hotels, (dangerous) mountains/ rain forests, (friendly) dolphins/ sharks/ penguins, (old) your mother/ your farther, (high) Mount Blanc/ Everest/ Kilimanjaro, (hot) desert/ mountain, (cheap) markets/ shopping malls/ buying online, (exciting ) fishing/ hunting/ walking, (friendly) city people/ country people, (big) Minsk/ Moscow, (exciting) cities/ countryside, (dangerous) insects/ snakes/ people, (important)  rain forests / deserts, (high) mountains/ hills, (far) Vilnius/ Warsaw/ New York, (good) mountains/ sea , (bad) rain/ snow/ heat.

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