1) "The Selfish Giant" by Oscar Wilde is ... a) an interesting story to reflect. b) an interested story to reflect. c) an interest story to reflect. 2) Why did the children go the Giant's garden? a) They play in the empty place b) They played there because it was empty c) The giant had been in his friend's house 3)  why did children like the garden? a) They were there before and they knew it was beautiful. b) They had be there before and they knew it was beautiful. c) They had been there before and they knew it was beautiful. 4) What were the children doing when the Giant arrived? a) They played there b) they were playing there. c) they had played there. 5) The Spring didn´t come because . . . a) the giant was selfish. b) the giant had been selfish. c) the giant had selfish. 6) Children ............................ in the branches of the trees which.................. with blossoms. a) were sitting b) had been sit c) sat 7) One day he ....................... in the morning and heard the laughter of the children. a) wake up b) woke up c) was waking up  8) Children ............................ in the branches of the trees which ..................... with blossoms. a) now were covered b) were covered now c) were now covered 9) ............... the giant´s change of mind, he could feel the child´s need. a) despite b) due to c) because 10) From my view point, the most . . . . . . . .. . . . . event was when the Giant learnt his lesson and he allowed children to stay in his property a) surprise b) surprised c) surprising 11) After a very long time, when the Giant was old, he .............................. in the morning and saw his little friend in his ............ garden. a) was waking up b) woke up 12) After a very long time, when the Giant was old, he woke up/was waking up in the morning and saw his little friend in his .................garden  a) bloom b) blooming c) bloomed

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