DESERT - A large area of land that has very little water and very few plants growing on it; usually covered by sand., LAKE - A large area of water that is surrounded by land., CAVE - A large hole in the side of a hill/mountain or under the ground., MOUNTAIN - A very high hill, often with rocks near the top, OCEAN - The biggest body of salt water., HILL - An area of land that is higher than the land around it, but not as high as a mountain, RIVER - A natural flow of water that continues in a long line across land to the sea/ocean, JUNGLE - A tropical forest where trees and plants grow very thickly, CANYON - A deep valley with steep sides of rock, WOODS - An area of trees, ISLAND - A piece of land that is surrounded by water, WATERFALL - A place where a stream or river falls from a high place, for example over a cliff or a rock,

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