1) In doing self-concept inventory is to know on how you see yourselves and not of what others perceive you to be, thus, this is _______________________. a) discover your strengths and limitations b) discover your weaknesses c) maintain your strengths d) all the Choices 2) How do you handle your special talents and abilities? a) share to the people b) maintain it c) use it d) all the choices 3) When making use of all personal resources such as talents, skills, energy and time to enable you to achieve life goals. a) Personal effectiveness b) Coping mechanism c) Personal goal d) all the choices 4) To whom you will share your experience? a) a person you trust b) your parents c) your friend d) all the choices 5) When you are worry when someone is sick, this is what aspect of yourself? a) contextual self b) emotional self c) spiritual self d) nutritional self 6) When you attend mass every Sunday. This is ____________aspect of yourself. a) contextual self b) emotional self c) spiritual self d) nutritional self 7) A deeper look on the different aspects of self can identify specific areas for the purpose of _______________. a) self-regulation b) stability c) improvement d) all the choices 8) Among are the basic aspects of life, except a) mind b) physical c) psychological d) talent 9) If you cannot think well because of your problem. Thus, what aspect is disturbed? a) mind b) physical c) psychological d) talent 10) If you have a very cute pet? What is your feeling? a) Happy b) Fear c) Sad d) all the choices


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