1) Yesterday, I .... to school. a) go b) going c) went 2) Last weekend, I .... a hamburger. a) eat b) ate c) eatn 3) On my last vacation, my family .... in a campsite. a) stay b) staying c) stayed 4) Yesterday, we ..... soccer at school. a) played b) play c) playing 5) Last month, my dad didn't ..... travel to São Paulo. a) travelled b) travel c) traveling 6) Yesterday, Jack .... dinner at 8 pm.  a) had b) have c) having 7) Last weekend, I ...... go to the cinema. a) not b) don't c) didn't 8) Yesterday, my mom .... a new blouse at the mall. a) buy b) buying c) bought 9) .... your sister..... piano at school? a) do / play b) does / plays c) did / play 10) .... your parents .... lunch at 12 pm yesterday? a) did / eat b) did / ate c) do / eat 11) I .... a bald baby when I was younger. a) is b) were c) was 12) There .... two teddy bears in my room when I was a baby. a) were b) was c) are 13) My grandparents .... to my house last weekend. a) going b) went c) go 14) We didn't .... English classes in July. a) had b) having c) have 15) ... you ... my sandwich yesterday?! a) do / eat b) did /ate c) did / eat

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