1) Can you trust Joan? I think she is rather _____. She changes her mind all the time!! a) ruthless b) fickle c) blunt 2) Susan is always trying to find out what everyone is doing. She's very _______ a) inquisitive b) fickle c) bold 3) Omg, John is so loud and obnoxious! He is really ____ a) loyal b) confident c) brash 4) Sarah can be so ______. She says what she thinks without considering anyone's feelings! a) persistent b) ruthless c) blunt 5) Another word for perfect a) flawless b) great c) incredible 6) A synonym of boring a) exciting b) tedious c) slow 7) Ordinary or normal a) conventional b) modern c) traditional 8) Loud or high pitched a) scruffy b) lenient c) piercing 9) Clear enough to read a) normal b) legible c) accurate 10) To make quick decisions in a difficult situation a) derisive b) divisive c) decisive

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