As soon as we’ve arrived at the hotel…, What are you going to do when…?, I’ll give you a call after…, I’ll do the washing up if…, I’m sure your family will understand if…, Carry on taking the antibiotics until…, Don’t disturb the boss unless…, Let’s take the satnav in case…, I’m going to buy a car as soon as…, We’ll be having a barbecue tomorrow unless…, Shh! Don’t make a noise in case…, Unless you hurry up…, We could go for a walk after…, If his mother has told him to do it…, We must say goodbye to her before…, We need to book the holiday soon in case…, If you’re not feeling better tomorrow, …, You might get an electric shock if…, I won’t be able to start cooking dinner until…, We’re going to open a bottle of champagne when….

* First and zero conditionals + future time clauses

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