It is very long. It eats small animals. It can be very dangerous. What is it?, Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?, How many letters are there in "the English alphabet"?, Mary's father has five daughters, Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What's the name of the fifth daughter?, It's a fruit. It's yellow but it's not sweet. What is it?, It's thin and long. All students have it. What is it?, I wear a red dress, a green hat on my head and I'm the shape of a heart. What is it?, What has 100 legs but can't walk?, Four legs up, four legs down, soft in the middle, hard all around. What is it?, I am blue, red and many other colours. I have no end and no gold, you can find me after a storm. , What has legs but can not walk?, What has to be broken before you use it?, What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?, What goes up but never goes down?, What is in the center of Gravity?.

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