1) Look up the antonyms of ''entertaining''. a) Funny b) Comedian c) Bored d) Uninteresting e) Enjoyable f) Nice person 2) Look up the synonmys of ''incredible''. a) Amazing b) Meerkat c) Normal d) Vulgar e) Awesome f) Common 3) Look up the antonyms of ''giant''. a) Enormous b) Tiny c) Immense d) Giraffe e) Swordfish f) Small 4) Look up the synonyms of ''beautiful''. a) Precious b) Cheetah c) Cute d) Ugly e) Disgusting f) Nasty 5) Look up the antonyms of ''descend''. a) Lower b) Go down c) Go up d) Go on e) Ascend f) Climb 6) Look up the synonyms of '' contrary ''. a) Opposite b) Similary c) Same d) Indifferent e) Antonym f) Synonyms 7) Look up the antonyms of ''bad''. a) Excellent b) Give up c) Wonderful d) To wash e) Green f) Good 8) Look up the synonyms of ''scared''. a) Bear b) Brave c) Cowardice d) Afraid e) Tranquillity f) Audacity

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