Your holiday experiences – were they good or bad? Name different kinds of holiday. What means of transport can we use? What problems can people have while on holiday? What can go wrong? Speak about one of your holidays. What new experiences did you get?, Live and learn. Talk about your school life – subjects, timetable, school friends and your plans for further studies. Do you think a course in good manners should be introduced at schools? Any other courses? What other clubs and classes do you attend? Why? Do you think a course in good manners should be introduced at schools? Any other courses? , Make your dreams come true. Name the jobs of your family members. What advantages and disadvantages do they have? What jobs did you dream about when you were younger? What do you want to be when you get a degree? What skills does this job require? Does it match your personality type? What summer jobs can teenagers do? Would you like to try? Why? , The Man and the Nature. What’s the weather like in your place? Are you happy about it or would you like to move to a place with a different climate? Which one? What extreme weather do people have in different parts of the world? What natural disasters does it bring? Describe a popular winter event in your place. Name the traditions. How do you ever participate in it? , Do you really know your friends and family? Introduce yourself. What type of person are you? What do you do about the house? Describe your family. Do you enjoy spending time together? Speak about your best friend(s). Are you similar or different? , Weird and wonderful. Are you interested in myths and legends? What mythical creatures do you know? Where do they come from? Do you know any mysterious holidays or spooky stories? Tell us about one of them. Do you often watch horror films or read scary stories? Which one is your favourite? , Follow the rules and stay safe. What rules do we have to follow at school, in the street or at home? What happens if you break a rule? What precautions should you take not to be attacked in the street or not to become victims of theft? Do you think CCTV cameras protect people or threaten person freedom? , This is my lifestyle. What holidays are celebrated in the English Club? Which of them is your favourite? What sports are you interested in? What sports do you find extreme? Speak about your lifestyle? What do you do to be healthy? What should you change? , Are you ready to help the environment? What is happening to wildlife in the XXI century? Why are some types of plants and animals becoming endangered? What can we do? What man’s achievements can harm the environment? What do you understand by 3Rs? What can every family in our country do to help the environment? What do you do? , Art or technology – what’s your choice? What film genres can you name? Which is your favourite type of film? What places do you go to for entertainment? What gadgets have you got in your family? What do you use them for? What problems do you sometimes face? .

Upstream B1+ Final Speaking Exam Topics

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