Peter is a good artist,, Mary and Peter are in London,, You love your sister,, We know the answer,, Jack doesn’t speak French,, My mother wasn’t happy yesterday,, The children are catching butterflies,, Sheila is ready to move,, There isn’t enough food here,, Let’s go shopping,, Your father was away for a long time,, The students flew to London yesterday, _, I’m afraid of spiders, _, Your essay could be better,, No one should ever be rude,, Nobody phoned me while I was out,, Let’s give them a second chance,, David might not come tomorrow,, Don’t shut the door, _, There is some good news for Peter,, She left her bag here,, David can’t swim,, Mary went to the theatre,, Everyone must work to earn a living,, Come here, , I am on time,, Don’t close your books,, She won’t do that again,, Let’s go for a walk,, She didn’t finish her homework,, He isn’t listening to music,, Don’t go now,, We couldn’t hear anything,, Her brother arrived late, I love coffee,, They didn’t see her,, My grandparents aren’t going there by bus,, My father used to smoke a lot,, Sally can ride a horse,, They played volleyball last Sunday,, Your neighbours have got a blue house,, Your aunt isn’t a vet,, Stand still,, My brother always arrives late at school,, There’s a swimming pool in our town, They will go to London,, Molly won a lot of money,, She must lose some weight ,, They won’t move to Manhattan,, He likes making pizzas,, Ken did his homework yesterday,, I’m more hardworking than you,, Let’s go to the cinema,, That isn’t your mobile phone,, Your grandparents seem happy active people,, No one likes rainy weather,, Thomas saw a movie,, They had dinner,, The Chapmans are going on a cruise,, Jennifer won't finish the housework on time,, Harry and Amelia got married last Saturday,, Let's go to an Italian restaurant and have pizza,, She cooks well,, They always sleep after lunch,, You’re coming with us,, There are lots of cars here,, Sam isn't here,, They were here last night,, We could visit aunt Leslie,, You didn't forget about the party, , We ate in this restaurant last week,, Come here,, Sit up straight,, Children must go to school,, Don't drink that dirty water,, You're addicted to shopping, Let's take a day off tomorrow, Mum will be happy to see you, I'm such a good swimmer,, That's disgusting, There's really nothing more to say, You mustn't play on the freshly cut grass,, She never met anyone else,, It got very late yesterday, You have lunch with your family on Sundays,, They've got a new car,, You play tennis,, She sings terribly,, She hasn't got many friends,, Mary likes spaghetti, , There are a lot of people here,, I'm too old for this,, I'm not very good at tennis,, Don't break that vase,, She read the book quite fast, , You'd like some more pizza,, Polly and Ted look happy together,, She wasn't here yesterday, , Don't lie to me,, Everyone likes Italian food,.


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