Humble house is an example of what?, Chocolate is my kryptonite is an example of what?, Life is like a box of chocolate's is an example of what?, When you call a big Man tiny, that is an example of what?, How much wood could a wood chuck, chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood is an example of what?, "I drove a car" is a example of what?, Slowly we crept up the stairs... this is an example of what?, "He is a forensics and ballistics experts for the federal government" this is an example of what?, "I'm dying inside" is an example of what?  , The black and white mustang races to the market is an example of what?, Elizabeth lieing to the judge when John said she would never lie, is an example of what?, "Deafening silence" is an example of what? , "WERE ALL GOING TO DIE" is an example of what?, "The birds singing" is an example of what?, Red rose is an example of what?.

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