What's your full name?, How do you spell your surname?, How old are you?, When is your birthday? , What celebration do you like? Why?, what do you do in your free time?, What time did you get up this morning?, What is your favorite place in the city?, What Is your favorite animal? why? , Which is your favorite celebration? why?, Can you bend your knees? , Did you go to the beach last weekend? , What did you do yesterday?, Why do cats have claws?, What's your favorite music/band/singer?, What's your favorite food? Why?, What's your hobby? Why?, What animals live in the rainforest? , How can we protect animal habitats?, Where did you celebrate your last birthday? , What part of your body do you use to run?, Did you do some exercise yesterday? , What did you do last Christmas? , What's your favorite TV program/anime/series? Why?, Do you believe in magic? .

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