1) This is my auntie. She's tall and pretty. a) A b) B c) C 2) This is my grandpa. He's old and short. a) A b) B c) C 3) This is my sister. She's young and short. a) A b) B c) C 4) This is my dad. He's tall and handsome. a) A b) B c) C 5) This is my cousin. She's young and short. a) A b) B c) C 6) This is my... a) grandpa. b) grandma. 7) My sister is ... a) young. b) old. 8) This is a ... a) desk. b) chair. 9) My ................ is handsome. a) auntie b) uncle 10) This is a .... a) board. b) window. 11) My grandpa is... a) old. b) young. 12) This is me and my .... a) uncle. b) twin. 13) It's a..... a) pen. b) ruler. 14) I've got a ... a) robot. b) doll. 15) Have you got a ...........? a) skateboard b) scooter 16) What are they? a) They are shoes. b) They are socks. 17) What are they? a) They are shoes. b) They are socks. 18) Where's the plant? a) It's under the window. b) It's on the window. 19) Where's the doll? a) It's under the sofa. b) It's on the sofa. 20) Where's the cushion? a) It's in the garden. b) It's in the bedroom.

Bright Ideas 1 - End of term revision

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