kangaroo - I like to hop, punch and kick, Australia - Kangaroos and Koalas live here, bus - this will take you from place to place, check - the teacher puts this on my paper when I get a right answer, fun - to have a good time, hop - bunnies and kangaroos do this all the time, hot - the weather in the summer, map - I look at this to find out where to go, mom - not a DAD, neck - this is what holds your head up, path - this is a trail to get to a place, pick - to choose, quick - moving fast, run - moving faster than walking, ship - bigger than a boat and on goes on the water, sun - for people that live on the earth, this is our star, top - the highest point, zig zag - going right and left, wave - you can surf one, zips - move really fast,

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