1) You ... speak with your friend at the lesson. a) must b) can c) mustn't d) have to 2) Children...wear school uniform. a) have to b) has to c) mustn't d) can't 3) Charles! You..walk with your dog here! It's forbidden. a) can b) must c) can't d) mustn't 4) That's a nice swimming pool. I ... swim. a) must b) need to c) has to d) can 5) It's cold outside. Mary... wear a jacket. a) has to b) must c) can d) can't 6) You...have parties in your room. It's not allowed. a) can b) must c) don't have to d) can't 7) Don't sit at the grass! You.. destroy the flowers. a) must b) can c) have to d) mustn't 8) Policeman...be attentive. a) has to b) can c) can't d) have to

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