What does art mean to you?, Are you interested in works of art? What kind?, Which artists do you prefer?, Can you talk about a painting that has particularly impressed you? Where did you see it? Why did it impress you?, Are there paintings you absolutely don't like? Which ones?, Does a work of art have to be beautiful?, Do you like abstract art? What do you like or dislike about it?, Do you think you have to "understand" a picture or "feel it?, Do you think a painting should mean something?, Should artists be pollitically engaged? Why? Why not?, Have you ever painted a picture? When? What did you paint?, Do you like going to museums? Why? Why not?, Do you have any paintings at home?, Is art important in people's lives and for society?, Would you like to be an artist?, What do you think about modern art paintings?, Why is art so expensive? Should it be more or less expensive?, Who is your favourite artist? Why do you like them so much?.

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