What did you do as soon as you arrived home? (No sooner), What can’t you do during an exam? (Under no circumstances), What do you need to do if you want to pass an exam? (Not only), When did you last study inversions? (Never), What will you do as soon as you finish the class this afternoon? (No sooner), What did you learn from the news yesterday? (Little), Tell your partner about something you have never done before. (On no occasion), What must you do if you want to pass your exams in June? (Only if), When will we have to write an essay? (Not till), When did you learn who your teacher would be? (Only after / Only when), Under what circumstances would you help a classmate during an exam? (Only if), Tell your classmates about something you have never done in your life. (Never), What kind of music do you enjoy? (What I really enjoy), Why would you recommend visiting Argentina? (Not only).

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