Metaphor - A direct comparison (saying one thing is something else), Rhyme Scheme - A pattern of rhymes in a poem, Onomatopoeia - A word that sounds like a specific noise, Stanza - A group of lines in a poem, Imagery - Words or phrases that help readers create a mental image, Synonyms - Words that have the same, or similar, meaning, Tone - The attitude that the poem is trying to convey, Narrator - A person or character who narrates the events of a poem, Rhyme - When words end with the same sound, Couplet - Two lines in poetry that rhyme, Symbolism - The use of symbols to represent other ideas, Alliteration - A series of words that start with the same letter or sound, Prose - Writing without any specific structure or rhyme (e.g. stories), Adjective - A word which adds extra detail to a noun, Simile - A comparison between two things using "like" or "as",

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