mould - The new party promised to break the m______ of British politics. (Пойти наперекор традициям и разрушить стереотип), blind - You can b____ me with science, but I know what I hear., times - If the resorts want to keep attracting tourists, they need to move with the t_____, guinea - Tom earned a little extra money by signing up to be a g______ pig in some local clinical studies, moon - I used to spend a lot of time in London, but now I only go there once in a blue m_____, turn - The kids are all grown up now and you can’ t____ the clock back, clock - If I could turn the c____ back, I don’t think I would study law again, earth - I was excited to book a vacation, but I came down to e____ when I checked my bank account , reinvent - Without mentors we have to r________ the wheel each new generation, scientist - It doesn’t take a rocket s_____ to realise that the chain of events was no coincidence , time - Which song from the last year stand the test of t_____?,

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