1) "Where does your family usually go on vacation?" a) He asked if my family usually goes on vacation. b) He asked where does my family usually go on vacation.He asked if my family usually goes on vacation. c) He asked where my family usually goes on vacation 2) "Have you met my sister?" a) She wanted to know if I'd met her sister. b) She wanted to know if I will meet her sister. c) She told me to meet her sister. 3) "Look up these words in the dictionary." a) The teacher asked us if we'd looked up the words in the dictionary. b) The teacher told us to look up the words in the dictionary. c) The teacher wanted to know how to look up the words in the dictionary. 4) "How much does it cost to rent a car?" a) He told me he wanted to rent a car. b) He wanted to know how much it costs to rent a car. c) He asked if it costs money to rent a car. 5) "Will you help me?" a) She asked if I would help her. b) She asked if she would help me. c) She asked if you would help her. 6) "Please don't walk on the grass." a) He asked us not to walk on the grass. b) He asked us if we'd walked on the grass. c) He asked if he could walk on the grass. 7) "What time is it?" a) My friend told me what time it was. b) My friend wanted to know what time is it. c) My friend asked me what time it was. 8) "Can you swim?" a) He asked me if I'd swim. b) He asked me to swim. c) He asked if I could swim. 9) "Finish the report by tomorrow, or else you're fired." a) My boss told me he'd finished the report for the next day, or else I was fired. b) My boss told me to finish the report by the next day, or else I'd be fired. c) My boss told me to finish the report by the next day, or else you are fired. 10) "What's her last name?" a) He asked what her last name was. b) He asked what was her last name. c) He asked if she had a last name.

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