What are the good things and bad things about today’s youth?, What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘youth’?, Are today’s youth different from the youth of yesterday?, How would you describe an average member of today’s youth?, It is believed that young people don’t respect the older generation and behave provocatively. Do you agree?, What are your values in life?, Do you thing that the youth should be socially active? Why?, Do you agree that youth organizations help young people to socialize?, Would you like to join any of the organizations you’ve heard about? Why?, Do you think that in your country there are all conditions for young people to spend their leisure-time? What would you like to change?, A lot of young people in Europe and America work as volunteers. What do you think attracts them to this kind of work?, If you had a chance to start a campaign, what kind of campaign will it be? What would you campaign for?, A lot of young people think that there is nothing better than having money. Do you agree with them?, Someone once said: "Don't waste your youth growing up." What did they mean? Do you agree?, Pablo Picasso said: "Youth has no age." What did he mean? Do you agree?, What three adjectives would you use to describe today’s youth?, What’s the biggest problem with today’s youth?, A lot of young people think that there is nothing better than having money. Do you agree with them?.

7_Кейс ЕГЭ 2022-2023_Роль молодёжи в обществе, её интересы и увлечения _Uch 3_Warm-Up

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