1) ____________ people think about themselves and not about other people. a) Selfish b) Rebellious c) ambitious 2) An _______________ person is happy one minute and sad the next, and is often bad-tempered a) Anxious b) moody c) bad - tempered 3) An____________ person shows that they love or like people very much a) sociable b) reliable c) affectionate 4) A ________ person has common sense and is practical a) sensitive b) sensible c) generous 5) A ________ person is someone very intelligent a) charming b) clever c) bossy 6) A ___________ person doesn't share things or money a) spoilt b) jealous c) mean 7) _____________ children behave badly because they are given everything they want a) spoilt b) rebellious c) jealous 8) A____________ person likes giving orders to other people a) aggressive b) bossy c) ambitious 9) A____________ person has no doubts about his ability or knowledge a) self-confident b)  competitive c) independent 10) A ______________ person is often uncomfortable with other people and unwilling to talk to them a) outgoing b) jealous c) shy 11) ________________ people have an attractive personality and make people like them a) sociable b) Charming c) reliable 12) A _____________ person is someone who you can trust or depend on. a) independent b) reliable c) quiet 13) A _______ person can be easily hurt or offended. a) outgoing b) insecure c) sensitive

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