Find HCF of 6 & 15 - 3, Find LCM of of 6 & 15 - 30, Find LCM of 6 & 12 - 12, Find HCF of 32 & 48 - 16, Find HCF of 15, 20 & 50 - 5, Find LCM of 3, 5 & 6 - 30, The only even prime number - 2, Prime number less than 20, its digits add upto 4 - 13, What is 3 cubed? - 27, What is 12 squared? - 144, What is the square root of 81? - 9, What is the cube root of 64? - 4, Closest prime number to 10 - 11, Rectangular tiles measure 15 x 9cm. Find length of side of smallest square than can be covered with out cutting any tiles. - 45,

HCF LCM Prime Powers and Roots Revision

por Anónimo

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