1) If you were offered the position of mayor of your city, would you take it?Why? 2) What board game do you like the most? 3) If you get rid the world of one disease what would it be? 4) Your Favorite day of the week? 5) If you inherited or won a million dollars, what’s the very first thing you would do with the money? 6) Where did your family go on vacations in the summer? 7) What time do you normally go to bed? 8) What is your favorite smell? 9) What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had? 10) What’s something you always wanted to do as a child but never got to do it? 11) What’s the worst thing you ever did as a child and what was your punishment? 12) Last person you argued with? 13) What is one thing you refuse to share? 14) Do you have posters up on your room walls? 15) What are your major goals in life? 16) On a scale from 1-10 what’s the highest level of pain you’ve ever been in? 17) Where do you spend most of your day? 18) What do you enjoy most about your job/school/university? 19) Who is the greatest cook you know? 20) Where would you love to go for a relaxing holiday? 21) Would you rather work from home or an office? 22) What would be your dream view from your office? 23) Do you prefer to receive recognition in public or private? 24) If you could add anything to your place of work or home, what would it be? 25) What fashion trend needs to end now? 26) Did you have an imaginary friend as a child? 27) Do you enjoy cooking or baking? 28) Where do you picture yourself five years from now? 29) Do you have lunch at home or head out to grab something to eat? 30) Which season is your favourite?

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