Three times three equals? - 9, Three times two equals? - 6, Ten times three equals? - 30, Five times three equals? - 15, Three add three and three equals? - 9, Three add six equals? - 9, Twelve subtract three plus three equals? - 12, Twelve divided by three equals? - 4, Twenty one shared between three equals? - 7, Six add six add three add three equals? - 18, Fifteen shared by three people equals? - 5 each, Ten bags of gold contain three bars, how many bars in total? - 30 bars, Three cats, three dogs, three rabbits, three hamsters. How many pets? - 12 pets, Fifty minus three plus six equals? - 53, Thirty three divided by three equals? - 11, Eighteen pounds shared between three people equals? - £6, Three apples, three plums, three oranges, three cakes. How many fruits? - 9 fruits, A car travels twenty miles in each journey. It makes three journeys. How far in total? - 60 miles, A rocket goes three hundred miles up? How far has it gone when it lands? - 600 miles, Three plus thirty plus three hundred plus three thousand equals? - 3333,


Tabla de clasificación

Fichas giratorias es una plantilla abierta. No genera puntuaciones para una tabla de clasificación.

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?