1) What sort of films do you like watching? 2) Would you like to be famous? Why? /Why not? 3) What's the most exciting thing that has ever happened to you? 4) What sort of clothes do you hate wearing? 5) What 3 adjectives would you use to describe your best friend? 6) What 3 adjectives do you think others would use to describe you as a person? 7) What sort of things do you find difficult to learn in English? 8) What would you like to change about yourself if you could? Why? 9) Which 3 human qualities ( e.g. honesty) do you consider to be the most important? 10) Can you name 3 things that make you sad? 11) If you won a lot of money, in what ways would it change your present life and what ways it wouldn't? 12) What do you want to do during the rest of 2024? 13) What 3 artists would you like to see live? 14) Tell something funny that happened to you not so long ago? 15) Where would you like to live in the future? 16) What famous artist would you date?


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