1) what is injury ? a) to make part of your body sore or painful b) to become harmed or damaged c) containing poisonous substances 2) what is first aid steps (foreign object ) a) get the first aid kit  b) tell the casualty to keep their eyes closed until help arrives c) check that scene is safe  3) what is toxic ? a) contain a poisonous substance   b) to make sore of painful c) to hurt your self to become harmed 4) what is irritation  a) contain a poisonous substance b) to make sore painful c) something from outside found in the place or part where it is 5) if their was someone had injured eye, what items you need to treat them ? a) water to wash the eyes b) rope c) Eye pad 6) an eye injury caused by sand should be treated with an eyewash station ? a) false b) true 7) you should wear PPE when proving first aid for an eye injury ? a) true b) false 8) toxic chemicals only cause mild eye injuries ? a) true b) false 9) what is PPE mean a) personal protection equipment b) pedestrian punishment enforcement

Eye injuries

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