1) Which is the correct sentence? a) John F Kennedy must have been killed by the Americna mafia b) John F Kennedy must have killed by the American mafia c) John F Kennedy must killed by the American mafia 2) Which sentence has the same meaning to "Stonehenge is possibly the ruins of an ancient building" a) Stonehenge must be the ruins of an ancient building b) Maybe Stonehenge might be the ruins of an ancient building c) Stonehenge may be the ruins of an ancient building 3) Which sentence has the same meaning to "Most likely, people saw a tall man wearing a big coat and thought it was a Yeti" a) People might have seen a tall man wearing a big coat and thought it was a Yeti b) People had to have seen a tall man wearing a big coat and thought it was a Yeti c) People may have seen a tall man wearing a big coat and thought it was a Yeti 4) Which is the correct sentence?  a) That book can't have been wrote by Garcia Marquez b) That book might not have been written for Garcia Marquez c) That book may not have been written by Garcia Marquez 5) Which sentence has the same meaning to "Maybe Stonehenge rocks were lifted by pulleys" a) Inhabitants might have been used pulleys to lift Stonehenge rocks b) Inhabitants might used pulleys to lift Stonehenge rocks c) Inhabitants must have used pulleys to lift Stonehenge rocks d) Inhabitants might have used pulleys to lift Stonehenge rocks 6) Which sentence has the same meaning to "There's no question the Nazi army hid Hitler's body after his death" a) The nazi army must have been hidden Hitler's body after his death b) The nazi army must have hidden Hitler's body after his death c) Hitler's body must have hidden by the Nazi army after hisdeath d) The nazi army must have hid Hitler's body after his death 7) Which is the correct sentence? a) The teacher must have been gotten sick b) The teacher must got sick c) The teacher must have gotten sick d) The teacher must have got sick 8) Which is the correct sentence? a) Nobody knows exactly why he died. But we think it must have been an accident b) Nobody knows exactly why he died. But we think it had to have been an accident c) Nobody knows exactly why he died. But we think it may have been an accident 9) Which is the correct sentence? a) He can't have bought that expensive car. His salary is very low. b) He may have bought that expensive car. His salary is very low. c) He had to have bought that expensive car. His salary is very low. 10) Which sentence has the same meaning to "I wonder if my friend forgot our meeting" a) My friend must have been forgotten the meeting b) My friend might have been forgotten the meeting c) My friend can't have been forgotten the meeting d) My friend may have forgotten the meeting 11) Which sentence has the same meaning to "It's obvious The Nazca lines were drawn by very smart ancestors" a) The Nazca lines might have been drawn by very smart ancestors b) The Nazca lines must have been drawn by very smart ancestors c) The Nazcalines must have drawn by very smart ancestors d) The Nazca lines must have been drew by very smart ancestors

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