Step 1 - Explains procedure, speaking clearly, slowly, and directly, maintain face-to-face contact whenever possible, Step 2 - Before using stethoscope, wipes bell diaphragm and earpieces of stethoscope with alcohol, Step 3 - Client's arm is positioned with palm up and upper arm is exposed, Step 4 - Feels for brachial artery on inner aspect of arm, at end of elbow, Step 5 - Places blood pressure cuff snugly on client's upper arm, with sensor/arrow over brachial artery site, Step 6 - Earpieces of stethoscope are in ears and bell/diaphragm is over brachial artery site, Step 7 - Candidate inflates cuff between 160 mm Hg to 180 mm Hg. If beat is heard immediately upon cuff deflation, completely deflate cuff. Re-inflate cuff to no more than 200 mm Hg, Step 8 - Deflates cuff slowly and notes the first sound (systolic reading), and last sound (diastolic reading) (If rounding needed, measurements are rounded UP to the nearest 2 mm of mercury), Step 9 - Removes cuff, Step 10 - Signaling device within reach, Step 11 - Before recording, washes hands, Step 12 - After obtaining reading using BP cuff and stethoscope, records both systolic and diastolic pressures each within plus or minus 8 mm of evaluator's reading,

Measures and Records Manual Blood Pressure

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