1) Today is Sunday. I ... go to school. a) have to b) don`t have to 2) I ... study a lot, I`m having a test tomorrow. a) have to b) don`t have to 3) I can`t play computer, I ... help my mum. a) have to b) don`t have to 4) I ... get up at 7 to go to school. a) have to b) don`t have to 5) I ... walk my dog in the morning. a) have to b) don`t have to 6) We ... go to the supermarket. There`s a lot of food in the fridge. a) have to b) don`t have to 7) You ... get up early not to be late for school. a) have to b) don`t have to 8) You ... to be worried. Everything is OK. a) have to b) don`t have to 9) The weather is sunny today. We ... stay at home. a) have to b) don`t have to 10) It`s raining. You .. take an umbrella. a) have to b) don`t have to 11) We ... walk. We can take a taxi. a) have to b) don`t have to 12) The bags are heavy. You ... help to carry them. a) have to b) don`t have to 13) It`s getting dark and I ... go home. a) have to b) don`t have to 14) I have nothing to read. I ... go to the library. a) have to b) don`t have to 15) Here`s your present. You ... open it before your birthday! a) have to b) don`t have to

have to / don`t have to

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