TRIP - I'll send you an itinerary for your ... to Rome and Pisa, SETTLE - Could you please send us a cheque for €183 to...your account, ISLANDS - There are daily boat trips to the Venetian ..., CANALS - Why not take a trip in a gondola through Venice's many ...?, SUGGEST - I don't know Mexico city at all. Can you ... any exciting things to do?, EXCURSIONS - In France, we went on some delightful ... to the vineyards and châteaux, RAW - The most famous dish from Japan is called sushi. It consists of ... fish, SECURE - I will need to take your credit card number to ... the hotel bookings, FAITHFULLY - Dear Madam / Yours..., NEVER - I've ... been to Madrid, but I'd love to go there some day, BUSINESS - Our managing director always flies ... Class,


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