Tell me a little about yourself. - If you're the candidate, talk about why you took certain jobs. Connect the dots in your resume., What are your biggest weaknesses? - A better approach is to choose an actual weakness, but one you're working to improve. Share what you're doing to overcome that weakness, What are your biggest strengths? - Be clear and precise. Don't just claim to have certain attributes -- prove you have those attributes., Out of all the candidates, why should we hire you? - Since a candidate cannot compare himself with people he doesn't know, all he can do is describe his incredible passion and desire and commitment., Why do you want this job? - Now go deeper. Don't just talk about why the company would be great to work for; talk about how the position is a perfect fit for what you hope to accomplish, both short-term and long-term., Why do you want to leave your current job? - Talk about what you want to achieve. Talk about what you want to learn. Talk about ways you want to grow, about things you want to accomplish; explain how a move will be great for you and for your new company., What was your salary in your last job? - Try an approach recommended by Liz Ryan. When asked, say, "I'm focusing on jobs in the $50K range. Is this position in that range?" (Frankly, you should already know -- but this is a good way to deflect.),


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