1) If the taxi ................................... soon, we ................................... late. a) will come / be b) comes / will be c) doesn't come / will be 2) If my sister ......................... to London, she................................... the Buckingham Palace. a) goes / will visit b) go / visits c) will go / visited 3) I ................................... you lunch if you ................................... hungry. a) will buy / are b) will buy / will be c) bought / are 4) What ................................... if you ...................................the exam? a) do you do / fails b) will you do/ fail c) won’t you do / failed 5) If she .......................... to the event, she ......................... us. a) isn't coming / won't come b) will not come / will phone c) does not come / will phone 6) He ................................... us if there ................................... a problem. a) will call / is b) won’t call / will be c) calls / be 7) What if your best friend .................. abroad to study bakery science next year? a) will move b) moves c) moved 8) .................................. a taxi if she ................................... the bus? a) Does she take / will miss b) Will she take / missed c) Will she take / misses 9) If a person ...................................his second language, he......................... it well. a) will not practise / will not speak b) does not practise / will not speak c) aren't practise / will not speak 10) I’m sure they ..............................their minds if they ....................... the hotel. a) will change / see b) won't change / are seeing c) aren't changing / will see 11) My mother ........................ lunch for us if she ............................ with her friends. a) will make / goes out b) does not make / will go out c) won't make / isn't going out 12) What if she .................................. to go to the party with you? a) will not want b) does not want c) is not want 13) If you ........................notes during this class, you ........................... low grades. a) do not take / will get b) won't take / will not get c) take / will get


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