NURSE - This person works in hospitals. He/she helps doctors cures people, TAXI DRIVER - This person works on the street. He/she takes passengers and drives them to the place they want to go., HAIRDRESSER - This person works with people's hair. They can cut it, dye it or do different hairdos., MECHANIC - This person fixes cars, buses or trucks. , SHOP ASSISTANT - This person helps you when you need to find something in a shop. For example: clothes., CHEF - This person works in a restaurant. He/she cooks different food., FIREFIGHTER - This person puts out fires., POLICE OFFICER - This person takes care of people. If someone is in trouble, they can arrest that person., WAITER /WAITRESS - This people serve you food in a restaurant. , TOUR GUIDE - This person helps tourists get to know a place. ,

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