1) At the end of the six-week course, you'll ____ design your own website. a) could b) be able to c) to be able to d) can 2) Miriam hates ____ play chess as well as Luke. a) don't being able to b) can't c) not being able to d) couldn't 3) Masha called me yesterday because she ____ remember how to get to my house. a) can't b) couldn't c) didn't be able to d) couldn't be able to 4) Sometimes when you're on Skype you ____ hear the other person very well. a) can't be able to b) be able to c) can't d) couldn't 5) Simon isn't going to ____ finish the report by the end of the day.  a) being able to b) can c) can't d) be able to 6) ____ do you what you like is the best thing about a holiday. a) Will b) Being able to c) Have been able to d) Can you

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