1) Pierre has passed his driving test so now he ____ drive his father's car. a) can't b) can c) be able to d) is able 2) I haven't ____ speak to Harry for over three weeks.  a) can b) been able to c) could d) being able to 3) The train was delayed so I _____ get to the last meeting on time.  a) can't b) being able to c) won't be able to d) couldn't 4) I'm afraid I ____ go away this weekend. I'm to busy. a) can b) won't be able to c) will be able to d) couldn't 5) You should ____ do this exercise without any help. It's quite easy.  a) be able to b) can c) could d) being able to 6) We ____ park here. There are no spaces. a) won't able to b) can't c) couldn't d) will be able to

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