1) There ... a bed. a) is b) aren't c) be d) are e) has f) have 2) ... there any chairs? a) is b) has c) got d) are e) are't f) isn't 3) There ..... any desks. a) are b) isn't c) is d) aren't e) have f) be 4) No, there ... . a) aren't b) hasn't c) be d) any e) some f) is 5) .... there a sofa? a) are b) has c) is d) isn't e) aren't f) be 6) .... there any windows? a) is b) isn't c) aren't d) are e) not f) yes 7) There ... any books. a) are b) is c) aren't d) isn't e) have f) 's 8) There ... some computers. a) are b) is c) be d) good e) aren't f) isn't

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