1) (11:00) Does she get up at eleven o'clock?  a) No, she doesn't. b) Yes, she does. c) Yes, she do. d) No, she don't. 2) (7:15) What does he do?  a) He has a shower at quarter past seven b) He doesn't have a shower at quarter past seven c) He has a shower at seven quarter 3) (8:45) Do they go to school at quarter to eight?  a) No, they doesn't. b) Yes, they does. c) No, they don't. d) Yes, they do. 4) (10:25) What does he do? a) He wash his face at twenty-five past ten b) He washes his face at twenty-five past ten c) He doesn't wash his face at twenty past ten 5) (5:20) Does she go home at twenty to five?  a) No, she doesn't. b) No, she don't. c) Yes, she do. d) No, she don't. 6) (8:35) Do they brush their teeth at twenty-five to nine?  a) Yes, they does. b) No,they don't. c) Yes, they do. d) No, they doesn't. 7) (4:55) What does he do? a) He watches TV at five to four b) He doesn't watches TV at five to four c) He doesn't watch TV at five to five 8) (9:15) What do they do? a) They do homework at fifteen past nine b) They doesn't do homework at twenty past nine c) They don't do homework at twenty past nine 9) (6:30) What does he do? a) He gets dressed at half past six b) He doesn't get dressed at half past six c) He get dressed at half past six 10) (10:00) What does he do? a) He go to sleep at ten o'clock b) He goes to sleep at ten o'clock c) He gos to sleep at ten o'clock

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