1) Je promène le chien. a) I feed the dog. b) I take a walk. c) I brush my teeth. d) I wash the dog. e) I walk the dog. f) I love my dog. 2) Je fais les devoirs. a) I do chores. b) I prepare for the next day. c) I do homework. d) I read books. e) I have a snack. f) I play games. 3) Je prends un goûter. a) I go home. b) I have a snack. c) I have lunch. d) I have breakfast. e) I have dinner with the family. f) I do homework. 4) À 15h30 il y a la sortie. a) At 3:30 I leave home. b) At 3:30 I return home. c) At 3:30 I arrive at school. d) At 3:30 PM there is the dismissal. e) I leave in the afternoon. f) I go home. 5) Je me couche de bonne heure. a) I go to bed early. b) I get ready for the next day. c) The dog sleeps with me. d) I go to bed late. e) I sleep well. f) I get up early. 6) Je fais le sport l’après-midi. a) I go to a ballgame in the afternoon. b) I exercise in the afternoon. c) I watch sports on television in the afternoon. d) I take a nap in the afternoon. e) I walk home in the afternoon. f) I have lunch at noon. 7) Je prends le petit déjeuner le matin. a) I have lunch at noon. b) I have dinner with my family. c) I have breakfast in the morning. d) I have a snack. e) I have lunch in the cafeteria. f) I never have breakfast. 8) Je joue aux jeux vidéos. a) I watch videos. b) I play games. c) I use my computer. d) I go to computer science class. e) I play video games. f) I love video games. 9) Je regarde un coucher du soleil magnifique. a) I watch a magnificent sunrise. b) I watch television. c) I watch a magnificent sunset.  d) I watch a ball game. e) I love magnificent sunrises. f) I always see the sunrise. 10) Je m'habille le matin. a) I comb my hair every morning. b) I prepare for the next day. c) My mother washes my clothes. d) I put on make-up. e) I brush my teeth every morning. f) I get dressed every morning. 11) Je quitte la maison a 8h. a) I arrive home at 8:00 PM. b) I go to school. c) I say farewell to my family at 8:00 AM. d) I leave the house at 8:00 AM. e) I wear my jacket. f) I leave my mother. 12) Je vais a la classe d'informatique le matin. a) I go to computer class every morning. b) I go to science class. c) I like computers. d) I go to computer class every afternoon. e) I missed my computer class. f) I go to social studies class every afternoon. 13) Je me lave la figure le matin et le soir. a) I wash my face before going to bed. b) I wash my face in the morning and in the evening. c) I brush my teeth in the morning and in the evening. d) I take a bath in the evening. e) I wash my hair. f) I wake up early. 14) Je vais au parc avec mon chien. a) I go to the park. b) I go to bed with my dog. c) I take a nap with my dog. d) I go to the park with my dog. e) I exercise everyday. f) I go to the park in the morning. 15) Je lis un livre le soir. a) Ido homework in the evening. b) I read a book in the evening. c) I prepare for the next day in the evening. d) I do my homework at school. e) I read a book in the morning. f) I read a book all day long.

Ma routine quotidienne 2

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